About me
日期:2024-08-08 06:12:49
NLP: Lanchain, RAG, HuggingFace, BERT
CV: OpenCV, PyTorch, YOLOR, YOLOv7, PRB-FPN, Attention Mechanism
Additional Skills:
Others: Git Version Control, Docker, Linux / Ubuntu, SQLite, MySQL, Firebase, NoSQL
, RESTful API, AJAX fetch, Vue3, Node.js, Express, WebPack, Bootstrap RWD, Unity,
Android Development, VM
您好,我是崴寶 Weibert Weiberson
,資訊科學碩士,目前在台灣某上市公司擔任 AI 軟體工程師。
- GitHub: weitsung50110
- Medium: @weiberson
- Instagram:@weibert_music、@weiberson_blog
- 崴寶網站: Well崴寶程式開發天堂
- YouTube: Well崴寶程式開發天堂
- Facebook: Well崴寶程式開發天堂
- TikTok: 崴寶Weibert
Academic Background
Master of Science (MS) in Computer Science
- University: University of Taipei
- Department: Computer Science
- GPA: 3.78/4.0
- Focus Areas:
- Machine Learning
- Attention Mechanism
- Image Processing
- Activities and Achievements:
- Speaker’s Award: Taipei City Council, 2023
- Obtained a scholarship for the master’s program
- Rank 1 in class for the first semester of 2023
Bachelor of Science (BS) in Information Management
- University: National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences
- Department: Information Management
- GPA: 3.43/4.0
- Activities and Achievements:
- Participated in the Computer Information Service Club
- Skills Acquired: Front-end, Back-end, Unity, Android Development
- Participating in a Computer Information Service Club
- Completion of the Big Data Program
- Participated in the Computer Information Service Club
- Video Analytics for Detecting Motorcyclist Helmet Rule Violations:
- Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops, 2023, pp. 5365-5373
- Co-Author
- 發表日期: 2023年6月19日
- 閱讀論文
Speaker’s Award from Taipei City Council
- Taipei City Council
- 2023年6月
4th Place, 4/267, Ranking Top 1.49%:
- 2023年4月
- AI CITY CHALLENGE - Challenge Track 5: Detecting Violation of Helmet Rule for Motorcyclists, 2023.
- Arxiv: 2304.07500
First Place, Trend Micro Inc. Student Pre-hired Award/金牌獎:
- Ministry of Education, Taiwan
- 2023年3月
- AI CUP - Intelligent Counting Competition for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), 2022
- News of the University of Taipei
- AI CUP Competition Page
Second Place:
- Department of Information Management, National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences
- 2020年12月
- 109學年度實務專題競賽 系統B組 第二名
Machine Learning Projects
- During Master’s Program/碩士期間
- 使用深度學習結合注意力機制、數據擴增和圖像處理方法進行非法停車檢測和車牌識別。
- Python (Linux)
- 使用深度學習結合視頻分析技術檢測摩托車頭盔規則違規。
- Python (Linux)
- 使用深度學習結合注意力機制、數據擴增和圖像處理方法進行非法停車檢測和車牌識別。
Front-End / Back-End Development
- 2020年1月 - 2023年12月
- RWD Shopping Forum:
- GitHub: RWD php shopping forum
- MongoDB Ajax RESTful API Membership System:
- MongoDB / Mongoose + RESTful API / AJAX fetch + Node.js + Bootstrap RWD + SCSS + WebPack
- GitHub: MongoDB Ajax RESTful API membership system
- WebSocket 即時聊天室:
- WebSocket + Vue3 + Node.js
- GitHub: WebSocket Online Chatroom NodeJS Vue
- Docker Compose MySQL Notepad Site:
- Docker-Compose + Dockerfile + MySQL Container + Vue3 + Node.js Container
- GitHub: Docker Compose MySQL Notepad Site node.js
- RWD Shopping Forum:
Android Development
- 2020年1月 - 2020年12月
- TextToSpeech 字典:
- Kotlin + Firebase
- GitHub: TextToSpeech dictionary
- Intelligent Dietary Management and Recommendation App:
- Kotlin + Firebase + SQLite
- GitHub: Recipe Recommend app
- TextToSpeech 字典:
Unity Development
- 2019年1月 - 2019年12月
- Runaway Boy:
- Muyu Goddess:
- C# (Unity)
- GitHub: MuyuGoddess_game_app
> 還有更多作品
後來有做更多專案,但沒有列在這裡 (專案太多要打好久…)